Double Chai in the Chi
Daniel Gorlin Portrait
Daniel Gorlin Thumbnail

Daniel Gorlin

Daniel Gorlin is all about Jewish learning, both in person and online. As the current Chairman of the Board of MyJewishLearning (that’s, and, Daniel spent the past year working on a merger between MJL and JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency), a major undertaking in the Jewish non-profit world.

That sounds like a full-time job, but Daniel has a demanding career working in management consulting as a Principal at Boston Consulting Group.

“A quick mind, a diplomatic nature and boundless energy characterize Daniel,” said fellow MJL board member and nominator Dana Raucher. “He has a deep and abiding love for the Jewish people and brings a spirit of strategic innovation to the projects he undertakes. Daniel leads with his heart, knows how to bring people together to tackle difficult issues, and never backs down from a challenge.”

Before making his home in Chicago, Daniel grew up in a Modern Orthodox community outside of Washington, D.C. Seems to us we’re lucky to have him—even if he is an Orioles fan.



Primary gig:

Principal, Boston Consulting Group

On the side:

I currently serve as the Chairman of the Board of MyJewishLearning (MJL), an organization dedicated to bringing Jews together via its online properties (,, I've spent the past year helping steer MJL through a merger with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, one of the oldest and most important American Jewish institutions. I spend most of the week on the road, so try to spend as much time around the house and with my wife and kids on the weekend. I can be spotted pushing a stroller or driving a minivan around Lakeview sporting my Baltimore Orioles hat. 

Relationship status:


How do you give back?

Own a sports franchise, spend half the year in Israel and be a full-time little league coach.

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:

"If you think education is expensive, try Ignorance."

Celebrity doppelganger/who would play you in a movie:

Chris O'Donnell, without the Robin tights.

How do you Jew in Chicago?

My Chicago Jewish life is centered around my family. We go to shul every week at Anshe Sholom Bnei Israel Congregation, where my wife, Ashlyn, sits on the Board. My two oldest children attend the wondrous school that is Chicago Jewish Day School. We are avid supporters of JUF, AIPAC and Israel in general, where my parents, two siblings and eight nieces and nephews now live.


Family, Israel, any competition with a ball or puck, Jewish education

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:

In 10 years, there will be two large and flourishing Jewish Day Schools, a thriving Jewish high school and five kosher restaurants in the downtown area. The community will continue to grow closer, with increased programming, activities and institutions that bridge the gap across denominations of Judaism.

Me in 10 years:

Crying as my son leaves for college, pulling my hair out as my daughter goes through her teenage years and coaching my youngest son's little league team.