2012 Double Chai in the Chi

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Matthew Seidner

Matthew Seidner

Investment banker Matthew Seidner doesn't have a lot of free time. But somehow, Seidner has found a way to manage a seemingly impossible amount of commitments. In addition to being a husband and father of three young children, he serves on the board of his synagogue (Anshe Emet), where he spearheaded an initiative that will eventually create a large campus for Jewish life in Lakeview.

As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, Holocaust remembrance is extremely important to Matthew, who also devotes his time as board member of the Illinois Holocaust Memorial Museum and Education Center in Skokie. Inspired by memories of attending shul with his grandfather, he is dedicated to living by Jewish values in his home and his community. "As a grown man with a family of his own, he has taken on many mitzvot and sets the standard in our family about our faith and dedication to Judaism," his wife Jennifer said.

As crazy as Seidner's life is (did we mention he also serves as condo association treasurer?), he always finds time to be a dedicated family man, die-hard Yankee fan and "will always be one of the first guys at a simcha to run and lift the guest of honor on a chair."

Matthew Seidner


Pays the bills:
M&A Investment Banking at Deloitte

On the side:
Spending time with family, playing tennis, attending various board meetings

Relationship status:

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:
Self-starting,energetic Jewish guy dedicated to family and community

Celebrity doppelganger:
BradleyCooper (mixed with Zach Galifianakis)

How do you Jew in Chicago?
AES,ASBI, JUF, YLD, IHMEC, ARK – and most other Jewish acronyms around town

The 4 F’s: Family, Friends, Food, and Fun 

How do you give back?
Given my schedule and travel requirements, I am limited to serving on a few boards.  I wish I could do more personally, but most of my giving back is through writing as many checks as I can.

Fill in the blank: If time and money were limitless, I would:
build a true Center for Jewish Life in Chicago including new buildings for the Lakeview synagogues, a new JCC, rec center, senior living, kosher restaurants, mikvah, community garden, etc.

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:
Resurgent urban community with resources available to enable all types of Jewish families to live comfortably in the city.

Me in 10 years:
Still in Lakeview with the family.  Hopefully working less and making more, so I can be more actively involved and write even bigger checks.