2012 Double Chai in the Chi
Jill ZenoffJill Zenoff is a gardener, and she thinks everyone else could be one, too. So she started The Gan Project in 2010. “Gan” (rhymes with “John”) is the Hebrew word for “garden,” and hers is a rather Jewish one. It is located at The Bernard Horwich JCC in West Rogers Park. It follows Jewish principles and laws of agriculture. And now it is an integral part of the Jewish community, with the goal of two tons of organic produce given to food pantries such as the EZRA Multi-Service Center and The ARK, as well as offering mitzvah-project opportunities to b’nai mitzvah. Jill works with business and community leaders to enhance the relationship between food and Jewish values. For instance, she is working with the team at the JUF Uptown Café and EZRA food pantry to ensure that those experiencing food insecurity do not have to rely solely on processed, refined foods. Also a chef and a PresenTense Fellow, Jill is part of an interdenominational network of community organizers called Mishkan. Her mission is to create a healthier Jewish community. Name: Age: Pays the bills: On the side: Relationship status: Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Celebrity doppelganger: How do you Jew in Chicago? Passions: How do you give back? Fill in the blank: If time and money were limitless, I would: Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years: |