Advertise with Oy!Chicago

Reach Oy!Chicago’s thousands of monthly visitors by advertising with us! Our banner and box ads are desktop- and mobile-friendly and appear on all or most of our pages. Our regular advertisers also get first access to advertising on our extremely popular Double Chai in the Chi – Chicago’s Jewish 36 Under 36 List microsite, one of Jewish Chicago’s most successful web traffic initiatives each year.


To inquire about advertising with Oy!Chicago, contact us and put “advertising” in the subject line of your message. Someone on our team will get back to you with quotes, specs and any other information you may need.

Event Listings

If you would like to list an event at no charge on Oy!Chicago, first submit your event to the JUF Calendar and then notify us via email that your event has been submitted and accepted. We will then add your event to the “Upcoming Events” section on our homepage. (Note: This collection is limited; if five or more events take place before your event, yours may not appear in the collection right away.) As a bonus, if you submit your event early enough, it may also be included in JUF News, our partner in print.

The Oy! Team  

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