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Israel Responds to Gaza Terror

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Israel Responds to Gaza Terror photo

Emergency medical personnel carrying the body bag of one of three Israelis killed in a rocket attack on their apartment building in Kiryat Malachi, Nov. 15, 2012. (Moshe Milner/GPO/Flash90/JTA)

Chicago’s Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation stands in solidarity with the people of Israel, especially the residents of Southern Israel, who have suffered hundreds of rocket attacks within the past four days, the latest salvo in a decade during which Islamist terrorists have launched some 10,000 missiles and rockets. More than 40 Israeli civilians have been injured, homes and businesses destroyed, and schools closed. Hundreds of thousands have been forced into shelters and safe rooms, terrorized yet again by those committed to the destruction of the Jewish State.

Israel, like any nation, has an obligation to defend its citizens, and is fully justified in taking action to protect innocent lives. We hope and pray for the peace and safety of all peoples in the region, and support all measures to put an end to indiscriminate terror. We want our Israeli brethren to know that, as always, we are there with them, and will determine how best to apply the resources of our JUF/Federation system to provide all forms of support.

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