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18 Ways Jewish Summer Camp Still Affects Your Life

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Chai List

There are Jewish kids who go to camp, and those who don’t. This list is for those in the former group; latter group, we don’t expect you to understand. And of course we used plenty of Wet Hot American Summer pics, because that’s the only movie that understands you.

The list should also prove that you can take the kid out of camp, but you can take the camp out of the kid.

What else do you do still do that outs you as a camp person?


1. You get nostalgic every summer, especially on the first day or Shabbat of camp

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2. At times, showering by yourself makes you sad

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3. You still interpret “dressing up” on Friday as a summer dress or khakis

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4. You use the phrase “closed-toed shoes” and prefer not to wear them

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5. “Attended Jewish camp” is one of your criteria for evaluating roommates and life partners

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6. You have thought more than once about making a nikayon/chore wheel for your home/roommates

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7. At big home-cooked meals you touch the side of your nose to exempt yourself from clean-up

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8. You can’t resist the temptation of empty cups at a picnic-style table

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9. You’re more comfortable in large group activities when everyone has a “buddy”

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10. You aren’t sure if the guy/girl you like is into you until you go on a walk together

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11. You randomly get Hebrew songs or prayer melodies stuck in your head and are nervous you’ll sing them aloud in public and get crazy-stares

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12. You hesitate before using Hebrew words or slang in conversation to consider whether anyone will understand you

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13. The only way you know how to quiet a group involves Hebrew, or saying “you’re wasting your own free time”

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14. When you meet Israelis you hint to your camp experience so they know you totally get them

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15. You stop and text a camp friend whenever you hear a song that reminds you of camp

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16. You are especially good at making friends feel special on their birthday

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17. You still send your friends mail, and get outrageously excited whenever you receive a package, even if it’s just some stuff you ordered on Amazon

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18. Some of your closest friends today are the people you met those unforgettable summers

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