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8 Questions for Cara Bronstein, dance inspired artist, wanna-be world traveler and girly-girl at heart

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8 Questions for Cara Bronstein photo 1

Growing up, Cara Bronstein was surrounded by art. Her mom a painter, photographer, jewelry designer and all around artistic maven filled her house with fine art and creative people. Full disclosure, I grew up with Cara. I was one of the many kids who loved to play at her house after school because it meant getting to do fun art projects we weren’t allowed to do at our own homes and getting to visit her mom’s jewelry studio in her basement. And, I remember a time when Cara wanted to be anything but artistic like her mom and hated these art projects. Luckily, Cara’s changed her mind and is now embracing her inherited artistic and business talents to start her own tutu line. Yep, you read correctly, Cara builds made to order tutus for girls of all ages from scratch, one piece of tulle at a time. Each tutu can take her upwards of 5 hours.

Cara says she started making tutus for a couple of reasons. She has a dance background and to this day loves anything that has to do with pink and ballet. The inspiration for her first tutu came from her boyfriend’s niece, Olivia. She wanted to make Olivia something unique, that was handmade, but not just another baby quilt. She said it hit her one day that a tutu would be the perfect gift because it was beautiful, girlie, and Olivia was about to take her six month professional photos and she thought the tutu would photograph well. It turned out to be the perfect outfit and Cara knew from there that she had to make more.

8 Questions for Cara Bronstein photo 2

Today she runs a tutu company, petal girl 25, to showcase and feature her tutu collections. She has plans to expand the line from just tutus to all things ballet related, including footwear. So if you believe every little girl should have her own tutu, love Israel, or like being creative, Cara Bronstein is a Jew You Should Know!

1. What is your favorite blog or website?
I don't want to sound too biased, but I really love my mom's blogs: DianePatricia.com and Styleinthestreets.com.  My mom is an artist of life; she has always and will always be a great inspiration to me. Her blogs are her latest creative outlet and they both speak differently to me and spark some of my own creative juices. She lives all the way across the country in Palm Springs, so it’s also a nice way for us to keep in touch.
2. If time and money were limitless, where would you travel?
Since I have all ready been to Israel on a birthright trip, (Israel is one of my favorite places on earth) I won’t say there though I do want to go back soon. Some places on my wish-list are Austria, Ireland and the Ukraine. My Grandpa introduced me to the movie The Sound of Music when I was little. From the first time I watched it, I fell in love with the beautiful scenery and the Von Trapp family. So one day, I hope to go there. Also, I am a quarter Irish, which is pretty unique for someone with a Jewish background; I would love to visit there and see that side of my heritage. Plus, Ireland looks absolutely beautiful and there’s something so romantic about it.

3. If a movie was made about your life, who would play you?
I love this question. I am a huge movie buff, but I never have really thought about this before. I guess I would have to say Amanda Seyfried from Mama Mia and Big Love. I think she is a great, young, versatile actress. Also, she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders, unlike so many other young Hollywood celebrities these days.

4. If you could have a meal with any two people, living or dead, famous or not, who would they be? Where would you eat or what would you serve?
I’d want to eat a meal with my Grandparents. I would eat whatever my Grandma would choose to make. She was a great cook. She was also a great craftsman and gardener/florist. She was extremely talented. I strive to be like her. My Grandpa unfortunately past away many years ago when I was just a kid I wish I had got to know him better.

5. What’s your idea of the perfect day?
I have had a few perfect days in my life they were all completely different, but the one thing they had in common  I was either with family or friends— Oh, and the weather was always nice. I am pretty sure you can have a good day in cold weather too, but I don’t think you can label a cold day as a perfect day. :)

6. What do you love about what you do?
I love that the sky is the limit. There are endless possibilities and I can be as creative as possible. I have so many ideas for the direction I want to take my company. This is definitely just the beginning. I also love that I can create beautiful things with my hands and everything I make has lots of TLC. I love how my creations bring a smile to people’s faces of all ages.

8 Questions for Cara Bronstein photo 3

"Cheryl" tutu

7. What job would you have had if not the one you have now?
I am actually working on my esthetics’ licenses. I’m not the kind of person who can just wear one hat all the time. I need to be involved in many different projects, I just am interested in too many things.

8. What’s your favorite Jewish thing to do in Chicago?
Definitely celebrating the holidays with my family and friends. Of course, going to Oy! events. I have also been meaning to go to a 3BC (B’nai Brith Beber overnight camp) reunion ever since I moved back to Chicago.

Cara’s tutus are perfect Chanukah gifts this year, for more information about her tutus and how you can purchase them, visit her web site at  www.petalgirl25.com .

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