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Think About Tomorrow

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Summertime Chi has finally arrived. It’s gorgeous outside, there are more street festivals this weekend than I know what to do with, and I have a laundry list of goodies I can’t wait to get from the Lincoln Park Green City Market. I have so much to think about today (mostly what rooftop I’m going to go sit at after work and enjoy this weather from), why do I need to worry about tomorrow?

One in four— that’s why. One in four is why I need to think about tomorrow, why I need to take steps today to prepare for life 5 to 10 years from now, and why you should be doing the same thing.

One in four Jews is a carrier for one of 19 life-altering Jewish genetic disorders. Being a carrier means that although you might be completely healthy with no family history of disease, your future children may be at risk, and the only way to find out is to get screened. A simple saliva sample can provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions for your future, and it is never too soon to plan for tomorrow, no matter how far away it may seem.

The Center for Jewish Genetics is leading the nation when it comes to carrier screening. The Center is the first community screening program that is exclusively using an advanced DNA sequencing test that allows you to be screened from the convenience and privacy of your own home, with just a small saliva sample. A short live-webinar provides you with the education and genetic counseling you need to understand carrier screening, what your results could mean, what your future options for a healthy family if you are found to a carrier, and can answer any other questions you may have. Then, before you know it, a saliva kit arrives at your front door. One short webinar, one small saliva sample, and you can arm yourself with potentially life-saving information. Seems like a no-brainer, right?

So today, tomorrow, whenever you’re sitting outside soaking up the summer weather enjoying the moment, take a minute to stop and think about tomorrow, because it’s going to be here before you know it.

To register for one of the Center’s upcoming programs please visit www.jewishgenetics.org/register. For more information please contact Alyssa Cohen at alyssacohen@juf.org or (312)357-4946.

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