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8 Questions for Erin Rutman, clothing designer, future photographer and lover of Jewish books

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8 questions for Erin Rutman photo

Like many women, Chicagoan Erin Rutman was disappointed by the lack of cute maternity clothing available during her recent pregnancy, but not for her…for her husband, Jonathan. So she decided to do something about it and launched BellyMan, a clothing line for the hubbies who are expecting, but don’t have growing bumps to announce the news. Erin describes the line of vintage due-date tees as the next best thing in maternity wear for the “other” half.

While not working on her clothing line, Erin is a busy mom to two girls and she’s also the chair of PJ Library in Chicago, a free program that delivers young children Jewish books and music each month.

So, if you want to wear your paternity proudly, enjoy giving back to the community or laugh at the comedy of Adam Sandler, Erin Rutman is a Jew You Should Know!

1. What is your favorite blog or website?
I can be found googling the latest trends in men’s fashion and keeping up to speed on the maternity industry by reading and tracking dozens of mommy bloggers.

2. If time and money were limitless, where would you travel?
I have never been to Israel so that would at the top of my list.

3. If a movie was made about your life, who would play you?
I was shopping in a kids store on Armitage and the owner asked me to take off my sunglasses to make sure I was telling her the truth that I indeed was not Anne Hathaway.

4. If you could have a meal with any two people, living or dead, famous or not, who would they be?
I love Adam Sandler. I never had the chance to meet my Dad's mom Ida (who my daughter Isabelle is named after).

5. What's your idea of the perfect day?
Sleeping in past 6am (thanks to my beautiful daughters).

6. What do you love about what you do?
When we were expecting our first daughter, (who now has a little sister!) there was absolutely nothing available for the dad-to-be, except a handful of gimmicky items. From that moment, my mission was to create a line of due date shirts available for men to help share in the pregnancy pride. And, alas, four years later, came BellyMan (sometimes known as our 3rd child)!

7. What job would you have had if not the one you have now?

8. What's your favorite Jewish thing to do in Chicago?
Celebrating Shabbat with my family.

Susan G. Komen Israel Race for the Cure®

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The world’s largest series of 5k runs/fitness walks celebrating breast cancer survivors and supporters held in Israel for the first time

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Breast cancer awareness, fundraising, and support are finally reaching Israel. This October 28 presents a milestone: the first Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® in Israel. And while the time to register as a delegate has closed, interested parties may still register as a virtual participant online.

A VIP—or Virtual Israel Participant—is a new option for those people who want to participate but can’t travel to Israel for any number of reasons. VIPs receive their own Israel Race website page to personalize with photos and stories, to raise awareness and funds, and to honor someone affected by breast cancer. VIPs also can form virtual race teams, complete with T-shirts and special race bibs marking this historic event.

“The Race for the Cure is a powerful way for schools, churches, synagogues and local organizations to participate by walking, running and forming race teams to support breast cancer survivors, their families and friends in Israel, and around the world, in a fun and meaningful way,” says Stephanie Siegel, a breast cancer survivor who is co-chair of the Israel delegation trip and board member of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Advocacy Alliance, the c4 sister organization to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.

Building on its long-standing mission to end breast cancer on a global scale, Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the world’s largest breast cancer organization, is partnering with the City of Jerusalem, Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, health advocates and scientists for a week of events in Israel to examine major scientific issues in breast cancer while advancing the international breast cancer movement. During the week, Komen is calling together leading researchers and clinicians for a separate, invitation-only Think Tank designed to jump-start new thinking on breast cancer screening and risk assessment methodologies. The main event surrounded by the research and conversations is the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® around the walls of Jerusalem on Oct. 28.

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“Jerusalem is a site of great historic significance to people of all faiths. It will be very meaningful to see people of all religions and nationalities racing as one toward a common goal of ending suffering from breast cancer, while also celebrating those who are living with and conquering this disease, whether they join us in person or in spirit from anywhere in the world,” says Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker, founder and CEO of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®.

This is not the first time that Susan G. Komen for the Cure® is going global, however. This mission trip is similar to those Komen has sponsored in recent years to the Middle East, Western Europe and Africa to build on the momentum of the global breast cancer movement. It is, however, the first time such an event has been held in Israel.

As a breast cancer fundraising enthusiast, I am extremely proud to see that this event has finally reached Israel. Somewhere in the world, a woman dies of breast cancer every 68 seconds, and in Israel, breast cancer remains the most common form of women’s cancer and is growing, accounting for nearly 30 percent of all new cancer cases in the country. About 4,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer in Israel each year. Since 1982, Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has granted nearly $2 million to organizations in Israel including the Weizmann Institute of Science, Hebrew University-Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, Beit Natan and Life’s Door. This new week-long event provides opportunities to continue Komen’s long-standing partnerships in Israel and around the world with organizations such as the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, as well as open doors to new collaborations with organizations such as the Israel Cancer Association.

Planning for the Israel events began more than a year ago with the support of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, who will help lead the Susan G. Komen Israel Race for the Cure®.

“As a runner myself, I know the power of these events to unite people toward a common purpose,” Barkat says. “We have many different religions and nationalities in Israel. This race brings them together in fellowship with all people who face the impacts of this terrible disease. I am honored to open the gates of our unique city to any and all people who want to see a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime."

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Susan G. Komen for the Cure® was created by Nancy G. Brinker, when she promised her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. In 1982, that promise became Susan G. Komen for the Cure® and launched the global breast cancer movement. Today, Komen for the Cure is the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists fighting to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures. Thanks to events like the Komen Race for the Cure®, more than $1.5 billion have been invested to fulfill that promise, becoming the largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. For more information about Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, breast health or breast cancer, visit komen.org or call 1-877 GO KOMEN.

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