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Do More Than Change Your Facebook Status

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Do More Than Change Your Facebook Status photo

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website, Veterans Day is a “celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.” It was originally called Armistice Day because it marked the anniversary of armistice signed for World War I, which went into effect at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month in the year 1918. This is a day we humbly offer up thanks and gratitude to this nation’s veterans.

Yes, we should post on Facebook and Twitter and all forms of social media that we salute our soldiers. Let’s use the official hashtag, #honoringvets, when we do. There is something very American about taking to the simplest and most convenient forms of technology to show our widespread support for a cause. I also don’t believe we even need to apologize for its perceived triteness.

I also happen to believe that turning to social media as the method to mark the holiday, is simply not enough. I urge us to take a moment at some point today and reflect on what it means to serve in the military. What would it mean for to leave behind family, friends and country to protect all that we hold dear? Have we ever taken the time to really think about it? Have we ever gone out of our way to thank a veteran? Have we ever marked this day in any way beyond taking a day off of work and saving 30 percent off of a great pair of shoes?

This day has been designated as an opportunity to do more than usual in order to show how much we appreciate those who have served. Many, if not all, of us have a friend or family member that has served or currently serves in the military. Let’s not miss the chance to show them we honor their commitment to keep us safe.

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