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Reflections on my ann-Oy-Versary

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Reflections on my ann-Oy-Versary photo

I am proud to say that I am celebrating my three year ann-OY-versary! I wrote my first post in November 2009. Do you remember way back then? Obama was President, gas was only $3.44 per gallon and the biggest issue facing our nation was the economy. It’s amazing how much can change in just three short years— Obama is still president, gas was $3.44 per gallon on 11/12/12, and the economy is filling the headlines. Hmmm, so I guess the big stuff has stayed the same.

In my experience, we often look for cues around us to gauge how everything is going. It is easy to watch cable news or follow our Facebook feed to know that things are not wonderful in the world around us. There is enough negative buzz out there to make even the most optimistic among us worry.

I invite you to consider taking the opposite approach. As the secular New Year approaches and you look back on 2012 to make those important resolutions for 2013, look inside and ask yourself how am I going? We all make up a cast of billions that contribute to a global performance on the world stage. Shouldn’t every contribution we make to the world, no matter how small make a difference for us and for everyone near and far? 

This year I ran my first marathon down in Virginia Beach. It was a deeply personal accomplishment, but by no means something that hadn’t already been accomplished by others many times before. However from posting comments, photos and blog posts on my experience others wrote me to say how they had been inspired. 

Take time in the month of December to acknowledge your contributions this past year and commit to contributing more in 2013. Ask yourself each day, what did I accomplish in 2012? What would be exciting to accomplish in 2013. Keep a running list of both, and use it to inspire your New Year’s Resolutions for 2013.

Happy New Year!

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