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What’s cooking?

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If you workout really hard, you could burn between 300-500 calories. If you are running or biking a ton, you could get that number even higher. And then you can have one meal of 1200 calories and the calories you burned in your workout are instantly negated. That’s why eating right is so important. I harp on the fact that you need to plan your meals. If you cook often, this becomes second nature.

I highly recommend cooking, or if you’re rich hire a chef. Healthy cooking is simple. Let’s talk about marinades—everyone knows how to grill a chicken breast, but how do you make it taste good and still be healthy? In the grocery store you can find a ton of marinades, which are seasonings and sauces to add flavor to food, most of which are loaded with salt. You can easily make your own marinade with olive oil, a pinch of salt, and pepper. You put that over your chicken and refrigerate it either over night or for a few hours before cooking. That same mix is fine for fish. Beef is a different animal (pun intended) and often quality beef only needs salt and pepper.

For some tips for marinating and healthy options for eating out, check out this video where I talk to Lou Goldhaber, owner of Leo’s Coney Island in Lakeview, 3455 N. Southport.

If on Sunday night you marinate chicken with my simple mix, you can use it over several days. The great thing about this chicken, it’s like a utility belt, cut up the chicken and toss in the following:
• Soup
• Pasta Marinara
• Sandwich with avocado and honey mustard
• Toss on top of Boboli or other pizza crust
• Stir fry vegetables with some soy sauce, made brown rice, toss in chicken

The options you have are unlimited! If you over power the chicken with garlic (because you want bad breath) or another seasoning, it will taste great but then it’s harder to use in other recipes. Make it simple and you can always add flavors with each dish, that way you’re not eating the same boring meal each night.

To go along with your cooking, buy some vegetables. I buy:
• Carrots
• Celery
• Onion
• Cucumber
• Green and red pepper
• Zucchini
• Sweet Potato
• Broccoli

Buy vegetables you like. I recommend buying a new veggie each week, it’s important to vary your diet, and who knows, you might really like parsnips.

If you are looking for healthy recipes check Ellie Krieger she makes great food and her recipes aren’t difficult.

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