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Suit Series Episode 1

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Are you busy? The number one excuse I get for not exercising is time. Here are some of the other excuses I hear:
· I don’t have the time
· I’m too busy
· I have a social life
· I have a job, a kid and a wife
· Three times a week, really?

Well Mr. or Ms. Too Busy, I have some shorts (video shorts) for you! You do not need to work out for 60 minutes, or even 30 minutes to reap the benefits of exercise. Fit in an exercise here and there throughout the day and it still counts. You might not get six pack abs that way but it will help build muscle and burn fat.

To help you get in shape on the go I’m creating the “Suit Series.” These videos will be quick and effective exercises you can do in your office, at home or in the gym. This first video demonstrates awesome core exercises with a small band. Enjoy! Email me if you have any questions or comments. rkrit@fitwithkrit.com

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