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Israel Is like a Pomegranate

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Israel Is like a Pomegranate photo

It’s been said that within each pomegranate there are 613 seeds, just like there are 613 commandments. This is why the pomegranate is one of the seven species of Israel. I haven’t actually counted the seeds (it’s on my bucket list!), so I don’t know if it’s true. However, I do believe that the pomegranate is a perfect symbol for Israel. A pomegranate isn’t large, but it’s filled with powerful seeds, which is fitting for Israel – small but strong.

A pomegranate has an outside peel to protect the inside of the fruit, plump seeds to eat, delicious juice to drink, and oil to help us glow. Each part works in unison to give people substantial amounts of vitamins and nutrients. We need the whole pomegranate to keep our bodies healthy in the same way that we need every part of Israel to keep the country strong.

In addition to protecting the seeds of the fruit, the peel of the pomegranate, which is edible if cleaned properly, has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants prevent free radical damage, which is harmful to our health. The peel represents the land of Israel. Jewish people feel safe in Israel in the same way that the seeds are safe inside a pomegranate.

Pomegranate seeds are small, but packed with nutrients such as B vitamins, potassium, fiber, and iron. Pomegranate seeds also have Vitamin C and antioxidants that keep us from getting sick. The seeds are thought to protect against breast and prostate cancers, help lower cholesterol and reduce one’s risk for heart disease. I find the seeds symbolically comparable to the people of Israel. The population may be small, but each citizen fights to protect the heart of the Jewish people, Israel.

From the seeds, pomegranate juice can be extracted. The most nutrient dense and potent properties of the seed make the juice, which is similar to the Israeli army. In Israel, men and women are required to join the army at the age of 18, the time at which most people are at their physical best.

Pomegranate juice has been compared to other antioxidant juices such as blueberry and grape, as well as red wine, and outperformed all of them in heart health. Pomegranate juice helps fight atherosclerosis and inflammation, and lowers LDL cholesterol. It also supports the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is needed to prevent fatty deposits from sticking to the walls of our blood vessels, and promotes the vasodilation, or expansion, of our blood vessels to allow blood to flow freely throughout our bodies. This is similar to the Israeli army that assists the people and the government of Israel to run a free and democratic society.

The oils of pomegranates are used in beauty products. They help keep our hair, nails, and cuticles strong and beautiful and give them a certain glow. The oils represent the children of Israel. Each unique child is part of Israel, but these children have not made an impact yet. They will grow and one day be recognized, but when they are young they are the bright shiny lights that represent Israel’s future.

The pomegranate could represent the 613 commandments, or the fruit, juice, seeds, and oil might signify Israel and the Jewish people. Throughout history, the pomegranate has also signified fertility, with each seed representing a life that has the potential to blossom. We can only hope that the pomegranate continues to symbolize fertility of the people of Israel, and within the nation itself.

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