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In 1998 my friends and I did what your average 21 year old does at 2 a.m., we ordered food. My friend placed the order under the name Kritdaddy, because I needed another nickname. We thought it was hilarious when I picked up the order and tried my hardest not to laugh when I said, “I’m Kritdaddy.” Fast forward to July 18, 2011 and I receive a text message, “Kritdaddy has a brand new meaning.” And it does, I’m now a father to Henry (aka King Henry, Handsome Henry, and Smoosh face).  If having a child wasn’t a big enough change, we also moved out of the city, to Glenview.

A horribly selfish and loud neighbor guided us to the suburbs. It was bound to happen at some point. Eventually we were going to head north. Our plan was to live in the city for a few more years, maybe five, but here we are—minutes from Target, malls, and the Metra. And with a baby, that's very convenient.

I wasn't sure if I would really like it. I've been hopping on buses, walking to sushi spots and running across the street for groceries for over 12 years. The city boasts a sexy skyline, killer restaurants, and a quick commute to work. How can a burb compete with that, and there's no Jerry's Sandwich Shop.

The suburbs are not horrible though. There are definitely perks, like the clean and timely Metra, and the quiet. We don't hear bass blasting so loud it shakes our ceiling, there's no El rocking our windows, and the only live music comes from signing in the shower. Here's a quick comparison of the city vs the northern suburbs:

Area  City   Suburb  Winner 
Food   Suhi wabi, Bob San, Jerry's sandwiches Michael's, Once Upon a Bagel City
Commute   El, bus Metra, Pace Burbs
Shopping  Water Tower, 900 North, Landmark Northbrook Court, The Glen, Old Orchard and more Burbs-you can park for free!
Gyms  Ballys, Xport, Hifi, Golds Gym, more Bally's, Park District gyms, more It's a tie!
Stuff to do  Sporting events, museums, Planetarium, Aquarium, street fests Greenbay Trail, Botanic Gardens, Kohl's Children's museum City
Grocery stores  Plenty of options, little parking, always busy One trip to Target and you'll never go back to the city Burbs

The winner? It's a draw. I still love the city, there's nothing like living in walking distance from everything you need, and the burbs are great. What are your thoughts? If you have restaurant ideas, or any fun suggestions for the North Shore, send them my way. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy suburbia and being a Kritdaddy.

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