Stefanie Bregman photo 375

Stefanie Pervos Bregman

Stefanie is the co-founding editor of Oy! and the assistant vice president of marketing communications at the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago. She is the editor of Living Jewishly: A Snapshot of a Generation, a collection of personal essays and memoirs from Jewish 20- and 30-somethings from across the country. Most importantly, Stefanie is a new mommy.

When she's not mommying, writing, sleeping, or being a professional Jew, Stefanie indulges in the following: dancing, Portillo's chocolate cake, Prosecco, sunshine and HGTV.

Stefanie lives in Northbrook with her husband, son and their bichon poodle, Bialy.

Articles by this Author
Trying to Raise a Mini-Mensch photo
Experiencing Judaism through our toddler’s eyes
Bring it on, 33 photo
As my birthday approaches, I’m reflecting back on a year of true highs and devastating lows
5 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Became Pregnant photo_th2

A few months ago I did something totally crazy -- I created a human! A tiny, beautiful, miraculous human. Well, I guess I had a little help from my husband, but I did most of the heavy lifting (pun intended).

An interview with Piper Kerman photo_md

As a fan of the Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, I jumped at the chance to talk with Piper Kerman and learn more about the real story of the woman whose experiences and bestselling memoir of the same name inspired the show.

Kindle Culture 3 photo_th

I’m back again, for the third year in a row, opening up my Kindle to share with all of you the best of what I’ve read this year. There is something to be said about always being able to access the book you’re reading through an app on your phone or iPad, knowing that you can visit another world whenever and wherever you choose.

Stars, we’re just like them? photo_md

"If only I could be more like…" We've all probably uttered this phrase. If only I could cook like, look like, dress like so-and-so-then I'd be happy. Chicago Jewish writer Rachel Bertsche, journalist, editor and bestselling author of MWF Seeking BFF, set out to see if living like the stars really does bring true happiness in her new book, Jennifer, Gwyneth & Me: The Pursuit of Happiness, One Celebrity at a Time (Ballantine Trade Paperback Original).

Sunshine, selfies—and celebrating 30 photo_th

Recently, my dear friend and I celebrated her 30th birthday. Twenty-nine had included some of the happiest times of her life—getting married to an amazing guy—and yet was also one of the most difficult years of her life as she battled breast cancer.

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